Author Archives: Martin

ICKFA AGM Minutes15th December 2013

Hi everyone,  I hope we have all had a really wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.  Time is certainly traveling fast as we are about to start another great year at the dojo.  I have attached the minutes of our committee AGM ICKFA(SC) AGM Minutes 2013 held at the Christmas party last year. We welcome new executive, key role and general members to the committee this year and we are looking forward to co-ordinating exciting events and activities again.  The new committee members are outlined in the AGM minutes and will be introduced in the committee newsletter coming out shortly.  Have a safe and happy day and may all your dreams come true this year.  Cheers, Leona (committee secretary) 🙂

I.C.K.F.A Committee Meeting Minutes 12/10/13

Check out the minutes from our last committee meeting.  We are looking forward to our end of year Xmas Party and AGM and preparations are underway.   As we are coming to the end of year the opportunity for members to nominate for the committee executive positions will be open again and the key role positions will also be open again.  Watch out for the nomination forms and information on the notice board in the dojo.  The date of the Xmas Party/AGM is Sunday 15th December and the venue is at Cotton Tree Park.

Enjoy the rest of your week. ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 12.10.13

ICKFA(SC) Commitee Meeting Minutes 07/09/13

Hi everyone, here are the minutes of our last committee meeting.  Again some exciting things happening, watch out for more information coming out for the scholarship for next year and plans already for 2016 Soke Cup.  The next newsletter will be out shortly also with some great info.  Our next meeting is on 12th October at 9am at the dojo and there are only two more meetings before the AGM.  Anyone is welcome at the meetings, just turn up!    ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 07.09.13


ICKFA(SC) Commitee Newsletter July 2013

Here is the committee’s July newsletter which has also been printed and distributed to all member’s.  There are a couple of key points to note;

  • Special Thank you’s to all our volunteers
  • We wish our Soke Cup team members all the best at the world championships
  • Take note of the calendar of events

We are developing a sponsor page on the the back of the newsletter where members are invited to advertise their businesses and support the committee.  Please take a moment to view our sponsors and read the information.  As the newsletter grows more room will become available.

ICKFA (SC) Newsletter #7 July 2013

2013 National Championships Results

Before we get to the results a big thank you to the team of volunteers who helped make the event possible.  In particular a huge thank you to Jodie Marriott, our event coordinator who did a fine job organising all of our volunteers despite a busy work schedule in the lead up to the nationals and having a household full of sick people, herself included.

It was great to see the standard of competition continuing to rise and a few competitors from NSW who joined us for the tournament.  I think this year, Australia will have a very strong team competing at the Soke Cup in Hong Kong next month.

Now, to the results: 2013 Nationals Results

And a big congratulations to our tournament champions:

  • Little Champion: Abigail Amos (Sunshine Coast), 1st kata & 2nd kumite
  • Junior: James O’Grady (Sunshine Coast), 1st kata & 1st kumite
  • Senior: Viktoria Crouch (Newcastle), 1st kata, 1st kumite

Also a special mention to Henrik Flynn who also placed 1st in both kata and kumite, but Junior Tournament Champion went to James being in the more senior division.

Also, as the 4th round of the QLD Chito-Ryu Tournament circuit, this event was worth triple points, so there are a few big gains for some people now the points have been tallied. Season Rankings (after round 4)

Currently, the top 3 positions are:

  • Henrik Flynn (Sunshine Coast) – 99 points
  • Tia Guy (Sunshine Coast) – 74 points
  • Zennjo Searle (Sunshine Coast) – 63 points

Here are a few photos from the event.


Little Champion – Tournament Champion – Abigail Amos, showing offer one of her trophies.

Junior Tournament Champion – James O’Grady – showing off collection of trophies

Some of the Australian Team members after presentation of team uniform

I.C.K.F.A Committee Meeting Minutes 15.06.2013

Here are our minutes from the last committee meeting.  Please note there are two admendments referenced from the previous minutes.  Also note the changes of dates:

  • Committee meeting on the 29th June is cancelled
  • Next committee meeting is scheduled for the 27th July at 10am
  • Committee meeting 10th August is cancelled, new date TBC
  • SC Tournament 20th October is changed to 13th October

Have a great weekend everyone 🙂

ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 15.06.13

Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Beginner Tournament – Results

Congratulations to all competitors stepping up and competing at Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Beginner Tournament, held at Millwell Rd Community Centre, Maroochydore, Sunday 19th May 2013.  It was great to see so many members stepping up for their first ever tournament today and stepping out of their comfort zones to do it.

Especially a big thank you to Jodie Marriott stepping into the role of tournament director for the very first time.  She’s done a great job coordinating volunteers and making sure that everything ran smoothly on the day.  Of course it’s a team effort and it’s taken a lot of hands to make the day run smoothly so thank you also to everyone else who volunteered their time.

Now, the part that a lot of people are waiting to see… the results.

Luke Marriott, Jean-Luc McGee & Luc Jones – showing off their medal haul.


Cath & Abigail Amos (mother & daughter) – Not bad for your first tournament Cath!


 Klaudia Caston – Not bad for a day’s work. Looking good with only a few months to go before heading to Hong Kong for the Soke Cup.