Author Archives: Martin

Friendship Tournament Results & Qld Circuit Rankings

Finally here are the full results from last weekend’s Sunshine Coast Friendship Tournament.  And being the 2nd last Queensland Chito-Ryu tournament for 2012 the season rankings are really going to be a race to the finish with only a few points separating the top 3 competitors.  It’s going to be really interesting to see who wins the $300 cash prize towards covering their personal expenses to compete at next year’s Soke Cup in Hong Kong (if they make the Australian team).

Anyway, let’s get to the results. Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Frienship Tournament (Aug 2012) Results (PDF).

This time around it was all Gold Coast Competitors who took out the tournament champion prizes in each of the 3 categories for best all round competitors.

  • Little Champion – Ray Winson
  • Junior – Cheyenne Ferguson
  • Senior – Darren Goodwin

Would love to see our Sunshine Coast Competitors going down to the Gold Coast next month return the favour 😉

Check out the season rankings – 2012 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Season Rankings – After Round 5 (PDF).

The current top 3 in the rankings are:

  • Raphael Borleis (Sunshine Coast) – 81 points
  • Ray Winson (Gold Coast) – 80 points
  • Jodie Marriott (Sunshine Coast) – 75 points

Looking forward to see how everyone performs next month on the Gold Coast.

Thank You To Our Amazing Volunteers

Yesterdays Friendship Tournament in Maroochydore was a great day (Sun 5 August).  Like any event of this kind, it’s a huge production and all of the work comes from volunteers.  We’re very grateful to have so many wonderful people who are part of our Chito-Ryu Family.  And it’s not just those from our local dojo, some of the volunteers were also parents and students (and teacher) from Gold Coast dojo.

I know for sure that I’ve missed quite a few people in this acknowledgement and I apologise.  But even if I have missed you, your selfless contributions are certainly appreciated.

Thank You.

Set up/Pack up @ Dojo

  • Adam Amos
  • Duncan Bigg
  • Debbie Woodhouse
  • Bina Schiffers
  • Rhys Woodhouse
  • Jim Moehead
  • Paul & Claire Flynn
  • Matt Doecke

Venue Setup & Clean Up

  • Just about everyone listed on the page + many, many more…


  • Paul & Claire Flynn
  • Dana Clemson
  • Selina Strazzari
  • John Strazzari (BBQ)


  • Mel Jones
  • Leona Ryan

Table officials

  • Debbie Strazzari
  • Leona Ryan
  • Greg Searle
  • And a few others, I know I’ve forgotten some here.  But thank you.

First Aid

  • Adam Amos

Event Marshall

  • Jane Graham

Bogu Helpers

  • David Strazzari
  • Duncan Bigg
  • Adam Amos (in between first aid)


  • Martin Phillips
  • Matt Stevenson
  • Adam Higgins
  • Rhys Woodhouse
  • Helen O’Grady
  • Jim Moehead
  • Duncan Bigg
  • Debbie Woodhouse
  • Bina Schiffers

Results will be up soon.  But for now, it’s far more important to acknowledge all of the hard work of the people who made the event possible.

Thank You!

Friendship Tournament Schedule

We’re into the final preparations for the Sunshine Coast Friendship Tournament on this weekend, Sunday 5th August 2012, at Millwell Road Community Centre, Maroochdyore.  For the convenience of all competitors, here’s a copy of the schedule so that you can plan your day.

Download the schedule (PDF – 2012 Sunshine Coast Friendship Tournament – Schedule of Events.

If you are competing, opening ceremony will be 9.20am and competition will start at 9.30am.  If you’re keen to check out the kumite action and senior kata divisions that will all be after the lunch break.

Spectator Entry fee will be $5 per family.  Free entry for volunteers.

The association will also be running a canteen, BBQ and a 100 club.  Just in case you don’t know how the 100 club works… there are 100 squares for sale @ $2 a square, when you buy a square you put your name in it.  At the end of the day the board will be cut up into 100 pieces and 2 pieces will be drawn out at random.  First piece drawn out gets choice of $100 cash or a full car detail and wax valued at $150, second drawn out gets the other prize.  The remaining funds will go towards supporting Sunshine Coast athletes competing at next year’s Soke Cup in Hong Kong.

If you are able to help as a volunteer we’d appreciate any help you can give.  We have some table official training at Maroochydore Dojo this Saturday, 4 August 9.30-10.30am.  Table officials have one of the best jobs in the whole tournament, they get front row seats, lollies to eat all day and you even get a free lunch.  We also need helpers to pack up all of the equipment at the dojo on Saturday after the table official training, set up the tournament venue from 8.00am on Sunday morning and then return everything to the dojo Sunday after the tournament.  If you can help anywhere your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

So, we’ll see you at tournament!

Sunshine Coast Friendship Tournament – Entry Forms Now Avaialble

It’s been a big year for our competitors so far.  Just last month, we’ve run our first ever Queensland State Titles, the Queensland Team has now been selected a and are starting preparations on the road to the National Titles to be held later in the year in Sydney.  And now we’re preparing for our final Sunshine Coast tournament of the competition season, the 2012 Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Friendship Tournament.

The Friendship Tournament will be unlike any other tournament we’ve ever run.  There are a few important changes in the rules that will help level the playing field and make it a lot more interesting.  In order to enter, all competitors MUST be part of a kata team; no team, no entry into individual events.  Also, in all kata divisions, competitors will not find out which kata they have to do until they step into the ring.  So rather than just practicing 1 or 2 kata, all competitors will have to work hard on everything just in case….

For more information about the Friendship please download this important information, which explains everything in details.  About the friendship tournament (PDF).

Entry forms are available from the dojo of download here:  2012  Friendship Tournament – Entry Form (PDF).

QLD Chito-Ryu State Titles – Results & Round 3 Season Rankings

2012 ICKFA QLD Karate State Title

Congratulations to all members who competed at the 2012 QLD Chito-Ryu State Titles over the weekend (Sunday 20th May).  It is great to see the standard of competition continuing to rise to even higher levels yet again.

As always a huge thank you to all of the referees, officials and volunteers who gave up their time to help make the event possible.  Also a big thank you to competitors and supporters too.

This year, the tournament champions in all categories went to Gold Coast competitors:

  • Little Champion Tournament Champion – Ray Winson
  • Junior Tournament Champion – Cheyenne Ferguson
  • Senior Tournament Champion – Anthony Horgan

Full results available here: 2012 QLD State Titles Results (PDF)

And the top 3 in QLD tournament circuit season rankings are:

  • Jodie Marriott – Sunshine Coast (49 points)
  • Raphael Borleis – Sunshine Coast (48 points)
  • Ray Winson – Gold Coast (45 points)

Full rankings table available here: 2012 QLD Season Rankings – Rd 3 (PDF)

Next tournament will be the Gold Coast Cup, Sunday 17 June 2012.  Forms will be available soon from the dojo.  Double points will be awarded for this tournament towards season rankings.

Sunshine Coast Challenge Tournament Results & QLD Circuit Rankings

The results and season rankings are now available after yesterdays Sunshine Coast Challenge Tournament (Sun, 18 Mar 2012 at Pacific Paradise State School).  Thank to all competitors, volunteers and supporters for making the event such a success.

With the extra “challenge events” of sharpest punch and best side kick it was great to see a big step up in the standard of basics. Although it did add a bit of extra time to day, it was worth it.

A special congratulations to all of the first time competitors, especially those taking the step into the kumite events for the first time.  Looking at the rising standard of competition, I think we are going to have a very strong team at this year’s national titles in Sydney later in the year.

Anyway, onto the part that everyone wants to know about – the results and rankings.

Next tournament for members will be the Gold Coast Challenge Tournament to be held Sunday 15 April 2012.  Adam Sensei has created 2 new events for this tournament, “Most Push Ups” and “8 Block Combination” in addition to the normal events – kata, kumite, kumite tag, team kata and bunkai.  Entry forms are now available for download or  from the dojo.

Here are a few photos from yesterdays tournament.  If anyone has more photos or videos to share, please be sure to drop by our Facebook Page.

Logan Murray – Showing off his medals after his first tournament.

Tessa Henderson – Showing off her medal haul.

Sunshine Coast Challenge Tournament Results & Qld Circuit Final Rankings

Congratulations to all members who competed at yesterdays Challenge Tournament, the final event of the year for the Qld tournt circuit.  As always, a huge thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make the event such a success, especially our young brown belts who helped by stepping up and refereeing our junior events in addition to competing in their own events.

Overall tournament champions were as follows:

  • Senior Tournament Champion – Donell Cook (Sunshine Coast)
  • Junior Tournament Champion – Cheyenne Furguson (Gold Coast)
  • Little Champion Tournament Champion – Kairyo Searle (Sunshine Coast)

Full result listing can be viewed here: 2011 Sunshine Coast Challenge Tournament Results (26 November)

With the final round of the Qld circuit now complete, we can now finally present the overall season champion.  Early in the year, the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast committees decided to put aside an amount of $50 from each tournament to be held in trust for the season champion in order to go towards covering cost if they are selected for a place on the national team to compete at the Chito-Ryu World Championship (also know as the Soke Cup), to be held in Hong Kong in 2013.  With a total of 7 tournaments for the year, this gives a total prize pool of $350, and prize goes to….

Cheyenne Furguson (Gold Coast dojo)

Full list of rankings can be viewed here: 2011 – QLD Tournament Circuit – End of Season Rankings

And for those who love photos, here are a few that have been collected from around the web.

Donell Cook – Senior Tournament Champion
Donell Cook

Zac Neasmith – Collection of karate trophies and medals, last 18 months.
Zac Neasmith

Emily Ryan – Competing in “The Sharpest Punch” competition in the Little Champions age group (4-7yrs)
Emily Ryan
Emily Ryan – Check out this medal haul!!
Emily Ryan

Kane & Alicia Gordon – Showing off some of the medals going home to the Gold Coast
Kane & Alicia Gordon

August Beginner Tournament & Qld Circuit Rankings After Round 5

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the beginner tournament last weekend in Maroochydore.  A big thank you to all of the volunteers and officials.  Great to see more and more beginners jumping up for the first time.


Here is a full listing of results from the tournament.  And the updated Season Rankings for the QLD Circuit after round 5.  There are now only 2 rounds left to decide the overall season champion.  At this stage, we have Senpai Helen O’Grady from the Sunshine Coast narrowly in the lead, but hte next round could shake things up a bit with.

Tournaments can be a bit of a scary thing, because by their very nature they push people way out of their comfort zone.  And this tournament was no different.  With this in mind, here’s a special metion for our senior tournament champion and first time competitor Jodie Marriott.  Jodie, has been terrified about jumping up and competing, but she decided to take the plunge at last weekend’s event with great results, winning medals in all events she entered and in turn earning the title of senior tournament champion as the best all round competitor.  Keep up the great work Jodie, you’re a great example of what can be achieved when you’re willing to step up and have a go.

For all those who are keen competitors, next opportunity to compete is this year’s national Chito-Ryu Karate Championships, to be held for the first time ever on the Gold Coast.  entry forms and information about the event are now available.