Author Archives: Martin

2010 AGM – New Office Bearers & Financial Statements

Welcome to our new committee members voted in at our AGM held at Sunshine Coast Karate, Maroochydore Dojo, Sunday 12th December 2010.

President – Jon Doughty
Secretary – Wendy Boman
Treasurer – Debbie Woodhouse (understudied by Sally Guy)
Instructor Representative – Martin Phillips
Parent/Member Representatives – Helen O’Grady, Debbie Strazzari, John Strazzari, Monique Thurston, Tracy Kosbab, Margaret Kemp , Gary Saunders, Clare Flynn, Mervyn Norton, Greg Searle, Leona Ryan and John Boman.

The financial statements were presented by our treasurer Debbie Woodhouse at the AGM for the financial year ending 30 Jun 2010.  As the association’s turnover was in excess of $50,000 for the period, the books books have been audited.  Financial statements presented at 2010 AGM (1 Jul 2009 – 30 Jun 2010).

2010 Annual General Meeting

In accordance with the constitution the Annual General Meeting of the International Chito-Ryu Karate Federation of Australia (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc will be held as follows:

Date: Sunday 12 December 2010

Venue: Cotton Tree Park

Time: 11.00 am (following training and before Christmas Party)

At Annual General Meetings, each member over the age of 18 is entitled to one vote. A parent of a member under 18 may vote on the member’s behalf.

To commence an Annual General Meeting, the number of full voting members present must be double the number of members of the management committee, plus one (that is 11).

Meeting Agenda

  1. Attendance/Apologies

  2. Confirm the minutes of the AGM held on 13 December 2009.
  3. Receipt of:

    1. Chairperson Report

    2. Treasurer’s/Secretary’s Report

    3. Instructor’s Report

  4. Management Committee stand down

  5. Election of office bearers for 2010-11

    1. Chairperson

    2. Instructor Representative

    3. Secretary

    4. Treasurer

    5. General Members

  6. Receipt and review of annual financial statement.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would still like to vote, proxy voting forms are available from the dojo.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for a position on the management committee, nomination forms are available from the dojo.

Follow the link to download a copy of the current rules of the association [PDF].

Your Association Committee needs your help!

All Karate Parents and Students

If you’ve recently attended or participated in the Beginners tournament, followed the progress of our Australian team members at the Soke Cup in Japan, or wondered how dojo equipment (mats, helmets, bogu) are provided, then you have witnessed your Club Committee’s efforts on your behalf.

A small group of volunteers work hard behind
the scenes to make all these things happen.

A small component of your training fees are a membership subscription to the Sunshine Coast Branch of ICKFA (International Chito-Ryu Karate Federation of Australia). The Sunshine Coast Committee comprises a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Instructor and at least one general member. The committee organises tournaments, training camps, merchandise, social days, purchases equipment and provides subsidies to assist students attain their goals.

The more volunteers the less work for all.

At the Annual General Meeting which is held in conjunction with the Christmas training day and BBQ (12 December, 2010), the committee positions will be declared vacant. Your current committee, Jim Moehead, Helen O’Grady, Debbie Woodhouse, Sally Guy, Gary Saunders, John and Debbie Strazzari are encouraging people to consider nominating for a committee position, to help guide and grow the club over the next 12 months.

We need volunteers to support our club,
to help guide and grow our club over the next 12 months.

Our meetings are informal, we support each other to get the job done, there is not a large time commitment and we have a lot of fun along the way.

Do you think you’ve got something to contribute? Do you want to help the organisation that helps your family members get the best out of their training? Do you want to be a role model for your children? Then have a talk to one of the current committee members about any of the roles. Or review the rules of the association [PDF] on this website for more details.

New Committee Web page

A big thanks to Martin for setting up this web page. I know he always has a lot on his plate. I encourage all committee members to make use of this site to communicate with other committe members. Also a big thankyou to Deb Woodhouse for getting the latest lot of paperwork together – fundraising, first aid course, upcoming AGM and the checklist for the Emma’s to get working on their big night of entertainment.

Soke Cup 2010 – Fund Raising & Athlete Support Policy

The following policy has been proposed by the management committee to ensure equitable distribution of club funds to support athletes at the 2013 Soke Cup in Hong Kong, based on the effort and contribution of members in the lead up to that event.

Competitors from the Sunshine Coast Dojo who participated in the 2010 Soke Cup in Japan were subsidised up to $850.00 each through fundraising undertaken in the 3 years leading up to the event.

Funds are raised through Bunnings BBQs, profits from various tournaments, applications for grants and various social events such as trivia nights.

These funds would not have been raised if parents and students had not volunteered to participate in the various fund raising activities.

Your Club Committee is already looking towards the 2013 Soke Cup in Hong Kong and how funds will be raised to subsidise those competitors who through their hardwork and perseverance, are selected to represent Australia in the world championships.

To ensure equity for all, a volunteer rewards system will be introduced. Parents and and students who actively participate in club events that raise funds towards the Soke Cup will earn rewards. These rewards will be attributed towards subsidies allocated to Soke Cup competitors in 2013.

If you are a non-competing parent the points you accumulate will go towards your children.

The final distribution of funds will be determined by the number of points that a member accumulates over the next 3 years in the lead up to the Soke Cup.

Committee Position President
25 points
Committee Position General Member 15 points
Bunnings BBQ Per 2 hour shift 5 points
Bunnings BBQ Set Up or Clean Up Shift 8 points
Tournament Official Coordinator
Table Official
First Aid Officer
10 points
Social Events BBQ Cook
Games Organiser
5 points
Grant Applications Writing and submission 15 points

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to this new website for the ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc.  This website has been established primarily as a means to allow the management committee to communicate with the ever growing membership of the association.

Be sure to check back for more updates soon.