Intensive Week 2: Many Things To Come

Chito-Ryu karate dojos have many events on the calendar that make it an interesting and fulfilling experience year after year, especially for the committed student. Events such as tournaments, gradings, beach training sessions, karate camps, guest instructors, specialty events and sometimes for the fortunate student, a trip to train at the Sohonbu in Japan. All of this is in store for 2018, so we should train hard and keep pushing towards being our best at these exciting times.

In 2017 there was a special event, being the Soke Cup, International Chito-ryu Karate Championship tournament that took place in Japan last year. This was an amazing experience for everyone who attended not only for the excellent karate competition between students from various nations, but to explore a beautiful country and its culture which I’m sure everyone appreciated very much. The next Soke Cup will be held in Canada in 2019 and it should be an equally spectacular time.

It is great to look forward to the highlights in the years to come for inspiration along the way, but it is the training in each class of the average week where we do the majority of the work. Without the hard work and commitment from all students of Chito-Ryu Karate, these events would not be feasible to run. So, if you don’t already, you should find an inspiration in every class you undertake, be excited and eager to learn as much as you can, we should be happy to push our bodies to new limits instead of thinking of it as work. Think of every class as a highlight in your journey to attain your next rank!

Week two of the intensive has begun, we started off in the morning with some jogging and sprints, kick combinations at jōdan, chūdan and gedan, and speed kata. The afternoon sessions I attended where challenging and fun, doing different sweeping kicks which were interesting to attempt! The final class held some general fitness and movement followed by more speed kata, some good rubber band analogies for increasing our kicking speed, accuracy and power, and ending with a kumite drill, it’s always fun when you get thrown during kumite/kumite drill!

P.S. I will be awarding someone who I personally think has put in a lot of effort and is showing improving teqniques across the board the Super Saiyan of the week award!! (For those that know dragon ball Z) this will be a special mention in my Friday blog, and will include a poor attempt of me trying to transform a picture of them into a Super Saiyan with blonde hair and glowing yellow energy around them haha with his/her permission of course.

Kicking off a new year… Karate style

2018 has come quick, after a great closure to the 2017 karate calendar with the annual Christmas party and training at cotton tree, we also had a water bomb fight held at the dojo where a lot of us enjoyed cooling down after training.

We all enjoyed a couple weeks off for Christmas and new year’s holiday, many parties were had and plenty of tasty foods were consumed in large quantities I’m sure. Leaving myself at least, full of food and muscles lazy. Its great getting caught up in relaxing and losing track of time, as I didn’t feel the transition from 2017 to 2018.

Kicking off the New year though, we jumped straight into a 2-week intensive at our dojo, turning Christmas flab to ab. It’s always a challenging 2 weeks getting your body back into drive after getting accustomed to sleeping in until 10 and playing video games most days (for me anyway). And it was not until now for me that it’s felt like a new year, when university and karate has started back up and kicked into gear.

Its great being back in the dojo and seeing everyone training hard, and continuing to develop their fitness and technique, I can already see improvements in many people after training hard in 2017 and having some time off to distil what we all learnt last year.

Week 1 of the intensive has swiftly come to an end and I have enjoyed returning to the basics, focusing on shime and the path of each step, flexibility in my legs with shiko dachi splits, revisiting kata’s (specifically Chinto). Though my highlight for this week is the kobudo class we had today, I love learning new kata with Nunchaku and Sai, it’s always an… interesting experience!

It’s exciting, the prospect of a new year and what it will bring to all of us, I know everyone will continue to work hard and push their boundaries. I’d like to wish everyone a great 2018 and I look forward to seeing everyone in the dojo over the next week of the intensive and throughout the year!

The Banquet

Sunday night after the tournament was the Banquet farewell party. A chance to get dressed up, give out little gifts and have a few drinks and social time with the people we got to meet and compete with over the weekend.

Because the tournament finished a few hours late, we only had about an hour to get ready by the time we got back to our hotels. Luckily the venue was only about a 4 minute walk, about and 8 minute walk for me as I was hobbling the whole way. I wore the same dress that i wore to my high school formal.  I was so happy I had another chance to wear it.  However, my foot was so swollen it wouldn’t fit into my fancy shoes.  It was probably a good thing, I don’t think my ankle would have held up. So I wore some slip on flats instead, which was a lot more comfortable.

Most people got quite dressed up, even the little ones and a lot of the Japanese girls were wearing kimono which was great.  I wasn’t expecting them to wear those kinda dresses i dont know why, but I just wasn’t. It was great to see all those pretty dresses, and it was weird to see some of the guys dressed all fancy, especially being so used to seeing everyone in gis all the time.  Sometimes you think they dont actually have other human clothes or is that just me……..

So we got to the venue and had a bit of social time before we actually went in and got seated, everyone was so tired and worn out. I was hoping to have a quick nap before the banquet but sadly had no time for that. Nozomi Satake came up to me and started chatting, Miyazaki Sensei’s daughter.  At first i didn’t actually know who she was, but she could speak English so I was thinking… she wasn’t in any of my divisions today.  I was confused at first, then it just clicked, oh right you’re Miyazaki Sensei’s daughter. I felt horrible that I forgot her face, she is such a lovely person.  Thankfully it didn’t take me long to place her, then I could talk to her normally like I knew who she was.  I was fortunate enough to grab a photo with her and her beautiful family. Later on in the night I was again fortunate enough to hold her 7 month old baby, who didn’t cry or was bothered that I was holding her.

When we were first seated we ware at set at tables from each dojo.  We had a table of the competitors and a table of supporters.  The supporters table was more mixed with other supporters from other places. We started of with a historical video about how the Chito-Ryu style came to be, also about the first generation Soke and the next generation Soke, and about Elvis Presley again.

We then had a few speeches,  just telling us to party and just a few finishing words to conclude the big weekend that came and went so fast. After the speeches beer was handed out to each table, probably not the best thing to come out first… Then a few nibbles were handed out to each table, some fish and chicken and sushi and so on. After a few glasses of beer Renae and I decided to get up and socialize, mainly handing out little gifts to the kids, we got way too much in return though.  Who needs to go souviener shopping now, done and dusted.  We however ran out of things so give back to them so quickly, started feeling bad about taking things and not giving anything back, but they really didnt care. We were lucky enough to squeeze some photo’s in with them.

It was a lot of fun going around and talking to people.  It ended way to quickly though only felt like 30 minutes.  I kind of didn’t want it to end. I was asked to do a shot of beer well a few shots of beer with the Canadians, how could i turn them down.  Afterwards though, I had to sit down. Also don’t know if it was a good idea or not, but Sam, Keanu and I did a bit of a team kata with Kihon kata San out in the lobby, was actually quite good considering Sam and I had, had a bit to drink. They weren’t up for doing chinto though 🙁

By this stage, everyone coming out saying their good-byes and giving their last hugs. A few of us were keen to go out for a bit of a bigger night, we followed some of the Canadians to a bar were we chilled out for a bit and had a few drinks mainly just talking and laughing a lot.  After that shut we hit a karaoke club, definitely not a good idea.  I dont know how but I ended up signing two songs, mocking bird by Eminem and eye of the tiger.  I don’t know how I got myself into that mess. It was great though, to see everyone trying to read the words on the screen.

Yeah time for me to call it a night, Sam was nice enough to take me back to the hotel, thank you. It was a great and eventful night, was a bit sad though saying good bye, mainly knowing that I would be going back home soon and to be honest I dont want to go back home.  I was loving it in Japan probably the only thing i was missing was my sister, but otherwise I could have stayed there for a lot longer. But I can leave knowing that I’ve probably had the best, most adventurous three weeks of my life.  Meeting so many new amazing people, finding my way around, training in many other dojos lots has happened in the past 3 and a bit weeks, very eventful.

But it’s time to go back home, to family work, karate training and well all the other stuff, operations, navy training and friends birthdays that I need to catch up on. Thank you everyone for everything while I’ve been over here. Got to go get on another flight.

Soke Cup Day 2

Day one was just my kata and team kata divisions, I had my kumite on day 2. I was very happy about this, because I could really get my head into the right state of mind to fight. On Saturday  I was pretty much the support person for people when they had to get ready for their matches. Watching everyone else fight, made me really just want to jump in and have a match with someone. It got me quite excited for the next day when I could compete in my kumite divisions.

Sunday morning I woke up, feeling not so ready to get in there and fight.  I think I got a little bit nervous. Mainly because there’s always this thing I do coming up to a tournament.  I tell myself things like: every time they attack just block and counter, or only aim for the body as my head shots never really work for me, or just follow through and keep attacking instead of stopping after 2 techniques… Every time I do that I feel confident about it, but as soon as the match starts I think too much about it, get lost in my thoughts and because of that I always loose the match and never do what i tell myself to do.

With this in mind, I decided to go in without a plan of what to do, instead, I was just gonna stay light on my feet, keep my guard up and just deal with whatever comes my way.  I have done enough training to do something with it and use it to my advantage. As soon as i got to the tournament venue that morning, I listened to some Eminem music and got straight on the mats. Just moving around getting use to the feeling of the matts, doing some of my combinations and the 8 direction movements. Mainly just getting my body warm, getting it moving trying to get a bit hot and sweaty. It seems as though if I go into a match feeling as though I’ve already had 2 matches I fight better.  When I’m properly warmed up, I’m ready, faster and my head’s more in the game, so that’s what i was working towards.

I was on the mats warming up and jumping around until we got told to get off the mats for divisions to start. Sami also came over and helped me warm up.  We did some small matches and each time Sami would do a different fighting style.  Thanks sami, it was actually very helpful. After I was told to get off the mats i sat in the marshalling area, watching other people fight. Getting ready for my fight I was trying not to think about my match, just watching the other matches was a great distraction. So many great points were scored, also a bit of wrestling on the ground was going on as well, and many injuries. Every match that went on was interesting to watch.  I very much enjoyed it, every match was always different and very action packed.

“Klaudia Caston”… well it sounded nothing like that but eventually they found me to line me up for my division. I was the first fight up which I was and wasn’t happy about.  I wanted some time to watch the first fight as i was up getting warm, but sadly I didn’t have time for that. There were two 16 year olds and two 18 year olds in my division.  There were two from Japan and there was Tiffany and I from Australia. I don’t actually know who I fought first, but walking onto the mat up to the line i was quite nervous but also didn’t have time to be nervous.  I was also very excited to get in there and fight someone I’ve never fought before.

“Hajime”… to start off with i was just keeping my distance, I wasn’t going to loose my head and rush in for the first attack.  I dont know who attacked first but i got the first point to the body I think. I can’t give you to much detail, when your in the match it all goes so fast you dont really realise what is happening sometimes. back to the line…

“Aka chudan zuki ippon”

What?  I didn’t even know i scored, yay good for me.

I got back in there jumping around a bit, then I go for a round house kick at the same time my opponent moves in so it turns into a knee to the side, but as i bring my foot back down well lets just say there i am on the ground holding my ankle.  Damn thing, I just want to cut it off.  I must have rolled it or sprained it.  It was on the same ankle that was already injured. So hobbling back to the line, only one good foot left.

I was so angry that it had to happen today in my first match.  I was thinking well this is going to mess me up.  I can’t keep up to these girls now, I can’t even walk! But anyway the match had to continue, point straight away to the opponent, and guess what another point to the opponent! Typical, I actually would of had a chance if my ankle didn’t get hurt.

I felt ready, I felt great before the match. I think when I got back in there, I knew she was going to win so i just went for it.  I pushed the pain away and attacked, I scored! Yes.  I still didn’t have too much hope but after getting that point I could feel the adrenaline rush through me and I was ready to go again.  I got out there knowing time was running out I did another sequence of attacks and I scored. “Aka no kochi!”

I won the match! I couldn’t believe it.  That was my goal, done.  I’d achieved it, even with an injury I was quite proud of myself. As soon as I got off the ring I sat down and I actually cried.  I never cry.  It wasn’t because of the pain, I think it was because I was so angry that it had to happen on this day, when for the first time ever i actually felt great.  I was attacking, I was quick, clean shots, I was light on my feet and I though I had a very good chance to come first or second, I was just hungry I had the fight in my eyes and my heart.

I got told to go to the other side.  I literally hopped the whole way around.  I was scared they were going to tell me I couldn’t fight.  I dont actually know if there was a fight before mine or I whether I was up straight away.  I think I must have been straight up, because as soon as I put the ice pack on I was called up to fight. Not good, didn’t even have time to rest the ankle.

I hobbled onto the ring.  To be honest, this fight went too fast, I dont even know what happened.  I do know that I definitely scored one point, possibly two.  I can’t actually remember.    I lost that match but I was still so happy that I scored one or two points.  That was still great considering the pain. If my ankle was good, I felt as though i could have won that match, but we’ll never know.

I’m  out now though, as soon as you loose a match your out. Oh well, I think I still did well.  I was happy and I achieved my goal.  I have no complaints. A lot better then I was expecting.

After the division Tiffany had to help me off the court back to the marshalling area. Sempai Anthony then carried me to the first aid area, where they sprayed me with this really cold stuff and taped me up. Thank you Anthony and Tiffany I appreciate the help, I needed it.

Team kumite in less than an hour, yay! I’m not the kind of person to give up or pull out especially after I have trained for so long for this day.  I wasn’t going to just sit out.  It’s just not who I am. So they put me first the in order As yes i had a chance to score a point but a low chance to  win the match.  So it was all up to Renae and Tiffany to win their matches.  I’m sorry girls but least we had a shot and got the do some more matches instead of forfeiting.

I did score a point.  It was a good point too, it had good pull back and was speedy.  I know that one was to the body but then my opponent scored three points on me in a row.  Considering that I was pretty much moving around on one foot I’m still happy to have scored. There was three teams.  A Japanese team which we fought first, a Canadian team and us, the Australian team.  Because we were running out of time we didn’t actually get to fight the Canadian team, the Japanese team won twice and they just determined that the Canadians came second because they scored more points against the Japanese team then we did.  I was unhappy about this, I wanted to fight them.  I think we would of had a close call between the two teams if we had the chance to fight them.  Anyway judges ruling, had to respect their decision.

I was happy to be done though to rest my foot.  It was hurting so much I managed to make my way up to the seating area, in time to watch the drummer preform his demonstration. It was the same one he did at the start of the tournament, but was still very entertaining to watch. After the drummer there was the finals for the Mens Team Kumite, it was Australian v’s Japan.

It was great to watch.  Pretty much every point people were oooing and ahhing also some “ouch that would have hurt” getting yelled out amongst other things. And it was very entertaining, Our team had Sensei Martin, Sensei Adam, Anthony, Keanu and Brendan. Watching all those matches was so exciting, wondering who would score. As that was going on there was some AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI”S going on competing with the Japanese squad right next to us chanting for their team.  I dont know what they were saying haha, but it was hard to over power the amount of noise they were making. Our Australian team came second, great work guys!

Time to pack up the matts and do the finishing ceremony, medal presentations and a few finishing speeches. Somehow calling out the girls from my kumite division, I heard my name for 3rd place.  What that can’t be right they must of made some kind of mistake there. I had no idea that I came 3rd.  At the end of each division for everything they dont tell you the results they just bow and we leave the arena which was annoying you just wanted to know what happened.

But it was an amazing surprise for me.  I was very happy that I made it.  I wasn’t expecting it at all and I wasn’t even trying to place. We also got presented for our team kumite.

Congrats to Sami who got best spirit in her kumite fighting. Amongst many other Australians who placed in their divisions and who got age champions there was many Australians being called up. Great work every one, you all done so great and over all I think we should all be so proud of the work that we’ve all done.

I think a thank you to Anthony to keep everyone’s spirits up and keep the fight going in everyone and thanks for using your voice for our chants.

Thanks you Sam Hunt for being such a great supporter throughout the weekend, taking videos being there for literally everyone’s matches rooting for them and helping them out and for carrying my bag to the tram.

Thank you personally Sami for warming up with me and keeping my spirits and and making me laugh.

Thank you Sandra and Martin for the support and great advice and teaching before hand, it definitely prepared me for this weekend.  I was prepared and ready.

Whoops sorry guys gotta go through security whoops at the airport now doing the blog hehe gotta run.

But after we had some opportunities to do some photo bombing.


Day 1 of Soke Cup!

Sorry i haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been super busy.  I have had some full on adventurous days, full of touring and karate, getting ready for the tournament.

I woke up this morning, normally, felt like a normal day didn’t even feel like the big tournament day that we’ve all been working towards for over a year now. I didn’t know what to expect I was just going to go and take whatever comes my way.  I didn’t want to freak myself out by getting nervous.

We finally reached our destinations and walked into the gymnasium.  There were so many people from all around the world.  Many I had already met as i’ve been here for three weeks training with some of them. There were so was many friendly faces.  I had some conversations and a few laughs before entering. Everything was set up, all the matts, flags everywhere from every dojo, people practising, laughing, talking. It was a lot to take in but it actually felt amazing, just to be there surrounded by all those people.

After a little bit we were all lining up in our dojo’s team jackets on to get ready to be shown off to the judges, support teams and to each other for the opening ceremony.  Walking in as a team with the uplifting music in the background and people clapping, the feeling it gives you is un-explainable.  If you could feel like that all the time, wow, what people could achieve, no more grumpy faces walking around. It was very uplifting and got you excited for the day ahead of you.

My first division was straight up, team kata, guess what we came first! You know out of two teams, but still was better then second. I then had my individual kata division to prepare for which wasn’t until 2:30pm, which became like 3:30 or 4:00 as we were quite behind on scheduled. Until then i turned into the camera girl, for Sam, which was good cause it distracted me for what was coming up.

I did however notice that my Kumite wasn’t until tomorrow.  I was in a division of 5 girls including me,  I was told there would only be 4 of us in tomorrow final round! Does that mean we fight today and eliminate one person or what?  It took me forever to figure it out, no one could really help me, they were confused as well. But I got told to just follow the timetable so that what’s I did. Was very stressful though as I wasn’t in the right mind frame to just be randomly called up for a fight. That takes preparations. Anyways I just kept calm and tried not to think of it.

During the day I met so many new people handing out my little koala key chains to people and chatting.  I got so many people always coming up and just giving me lollies and trinkets and things they have made, was a great atmosphere.

Time for my individual kata, it was busy.  We has Sami to watch, then Sensei Sandra and Mum.  Then Keanu’s, Sam’s, Sensei Martin’s and Anthony’s division was up.  Then mine after all that. As a result, I didn’t actually get much time for much practise, as i was so busy watching everyone, seeing how they went and filming people’s kata. I literally put down Sam’s phone and passed him as I was going in for my division, it was quite a hectic time of the day. Only 5 girls in my division, I was 2nd up.  Two of them were 16, one was 18, plus Tiffany and I. I was up second I didn’t watch the girl before me, I didn’t want to freak myself out. Still not nervous though, so weird. Whoop there’s that familiar name, that’s me, hopefully I’m ready to go. As I walk out onto the mats it still feels like im just in the dojo practising, I’m thinking this is great. I said the name of the kata, started the kata than bam, it hit, my about my 3rd technique in.  I don’t think it was nerves, I think it was just the realisation that I’m here.  Finally, what I’ve been training for, it’s happening, I’ve hardly had a chance to take it all in, wait what, the scores are being called out.  I must be done. I found myself breathing a bit to heavily, waiting to bow and walk off the mats. Wow, I was thinking that was good, still hardly knowing what score I got, if it was good or bad. When the next three girls went, we all stood up the judges came over and called out first, second and third. My name wasn’t there maybe I didn’t go so well. Oh well i actually wasn’t too fussed over it surprisingly.  I think i am just happy to be here in Japan competing in the Soke Cup.  If I place, great, but I don’t think I am personally expecting anything great to happen for me.

Remember this is just my personal experience and thoughts, everyone is different, some people are freaking out, some people don’t care and some people are just doing their own thing, getting ready to compete.

After that though i didnt have anything else on until tomorrow so was just time to relax and support others. I was glad that my kumite wasn’t today, for me i need more time to get my head in the game and is hard when im thinking of both kata and kumite, so tomorrow i can just focus completely on kumite nothing else. This is only a short blog mainly just telling you the first part of the tournament weekend. Tomorrow i will talk about the Kumite i experienced and watched today and what i experienced personally with my Kumite divisions tomorrow. I am very much looking forward to it though, watching the kumite today.  I’ll tell you about tomorrow, really got me excited for my fights and a little  scared, as there was a lot of injuries.