Expand your Box out of your comfort zone

This morning in Class Sensai Sandra talked about Pushing the lines of your Comfort zone, not only in karate but every aspect in your life. But talking in a karate circumstance like this morning, Sensai Sandra led us through some very high intensive high speed basics and kata’s, it was hot, sweaty and sticky,  what you do is push through it keep going at your best ability, don’t worry if your techniques are off target or you feel as though your all over the place and nothing is working, just keep going, keep pushing and if you can do that you expand your abilities and your expectations of yourself expand. There is obviously times to relax and be comfortable and then expand outside your limits, if you can keep this going you will always be moving forward in life, you will grow and change and expand. The challenge is to not only be out of your comfort zone when other people are pushing you, but learn to push yourself out of your comfort zone as well, just like self discipline learn to be able to do it to yourself and that way you can grow faster and in your own time.

I found today I was pushing through all the hotness and fatigue, I tried to set an example so I could help the people around me to not give up and to push through it with me, so they could look to me and share my spirit and energy with me.

I like to think I’ve always done this since I’ve been doing karate, I remember always looking to the more advanced belts and tried to do what they was doing following by there example, I think that helped me get to where I am today not just in karate but my life outside of karate as well.

Selina – Monday the 9th

One down. Nine to go.

Before this week started, my thoughts went in the direction of ‘I’m going to die’ and ‘I really should not have spent the last two weeks eating and sleeping’. Today during 3.5 hours of training I only thought I would die once. Then the endorphins kicked in and I couldn’t stop smiling.

What drives someone to put their minds and bodies through two weeks of, after no physical activity for two weeks past, what I constitute as hell?

Ask me in two weeks.

I’m kidding. It’s not really hell. It’s a challenge, sure, but one that everyone has volunteered for. The difficulty is why I’m doing it. It’s something I’ve never done before and this is the furthest my mind and body will be pushed to the limits. Mainly the mind.

My goal for this intensive: get rid of thoughts like ‘I’m dead’ or ‘I can’t do anymore I need a rest’. These thoughts are poison and do not have a place in my head. For me, this intensive is about strengthening my mind, and maybe regaining some of the muscle lost over the break. Putting your mind and body through something like this is what makes or breaks a person. You either quit, or come out stronger.

While body and mind will suffer, this fortnight I refuse to break. This is the next part of my karate journey and it’s time to tackle it with gusto.

1st day training – getting back into it

1st Morning Class of 2017

It has been two weeks off from regular training classes, and it sure is good to be back in the dojo. Training started early at 6am, which is a change for me as I don’t normally do the morning sessions (I am not an early riser). The focus on this morning’s class was mainly kihons (basics). Doing kihons after a two week break is a great way to get the cobwebs out. Even a short break from regular training I can find myself a bit out of sorts, but by the end of the lesson things were feeling familiar again. As a welcome surprise I was presented with my 1st Dan black belt and certificate by Sensei Martin, having been sent all the way from Kumamoto, Japan by Soke Sensei.

1st Evening Class of 2017

The 6 to 8 pm class is where you will normally find me most days. Training at dusk suits my schedule and it usually has cooled down by then (not tonight though). There was a good turn out of students in the class, and a good spread of belt colours. We did the majority of the class in groups or with partners, with a focus on using our reach for the first part of the class. Reach is important for a couple of reasons, first it will give you maximum distance in the least amount of time. It also helps with not coming within range of your opponent. To achieve maximum reach, good posture and turning of the hips is very important. The latter part of the class we were focusing on getting our left and right sides of the body to work together in unison. Especially looking at the pull back to finish at the same time as the punch, by going through many different kata. Sensei Martin asked us to look at two things from other’s kata; observe one thing that they did really well and try to incorporate it into our own kata, and one thing that needs improvement and see if we are also needing improvement in the same area. It was a great first day back and I am looking forward to the consistent training over the next two weeks.

First Class of the week

So was a great start to the two week intensive, was great to see so may people there for the first morning class of the week hopefully everyone keeps up the great work. Was a nice intensive class to start off with. Cant wait for the afternoon session!

Training in 2017 – Sam Hunt

A bit about me and training scholarship

Hi, I am Sam Hunt and I am one of three participants going for the 2017 training scholarship in Japan. My karate journey started just over three years ago, never being involved in any martial arts before. I will be turning 30 this year and I feel that after achieving my First Dan black belt only a few months ago, my best karate is ahead of me. I will using the two week training intensive to get back into the swing of things. Updates will be provided via this blog to share my learnings and what motivates me to train every day.

Up coming 2 week intensive

I cant believe the 2 week intensive is starting tomorrow. been waiting for it for a while now. I’m so keen on learning so many new things in the upcoming weeks and probably doing lots of hard work and sweating, what a great way to start the year. I shall see everyone at the 6:00 am start tomorrow morning.

2016 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate-Do State Titles Results

Before we get to the results a big thank you to all of the volunteers for making the event a great success.  Number were a little bit down on previous years, but the standard of competition and the big improvement shown by referees and officials was great to see.

This year’s QLD Chito-Ryu Karate-Do State Titles was proudly supported by the Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program.  Funds received from Cr. Jason O’Pray’s discretionary fund allowed our association to purchase a new set of tournament mats which were used at this year’s event and will continue to be used for many years to run more events like this on the Sunshine Coast.

Proudly Supported by the Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program


Now… onto the results.

A special mention to our tournament champions who performed best in both individual kata and kumite events.

  • Junior Tournament Champion – Bailey Keefe (Sunshine Coast Dojo)
  • Senior Tournament Champion – David Strazzari (Sunshine Coast Dojo)

Download the full result listing:  2016 Qld State Titles Results (PDF).

Also, a special thank you to Mitchell German Sensei from Nova Scotia, Canada, who helped referee all day did some great demonstrations too.

The demonstration below is Ryusan kata, which was also the kata that German Sensei performed to win the men’s black belt kata division at the last Soke Cup in Hong Kong.

The second demonstration (below) German Sensei performs a short selection of seated self defence techniques (suwari waza) that he learned many years ago from one of O Sensei’s senior students.  These techniques were developed by the Samurai to defend themselves indoors, when there was no room to draw their swords.

And finally, here are a few photos to enjoy.  Unfortunately we didn’t have our regular photographer, who always does and amazing job with the photos, but we’ve still managed to find a few…

heathhunter caston-girls cooper-higgins

2016 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate-Do State Titles – Entries Open

Entries are now open for the 2016 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate-Do State Titles.  This year, the event will be held on the Sunshine Coast and is open to all Chito-Ryu students.

When:  Sunday, 11th September 2016
Where:  Kuluin State School (Sunshine Coast)
Entry Form:  Available from your dojo instructor, or download the entry form (PDF)
Entries Close:  Friday, 2nd September 2016


This year, we are very pleased to have with us as a special guest, Mitchell German Sensei (6th Dan, Renshi) from Halifax, Canada.  German Sensei will be guest instructor at Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast dojos either side of the tournament.  In addition, we will also be running a seminar for all Chito-Ryu members to attend on the Saturday prior to the tournament.

Sunshine Coast Seminar with Mitchell German Sensei.

When: Saturday, 10th September 2016
Where:  Sunshine Coast Karate, Maroochydore dojo
Cost:  $20 per person

German Sensei is one of the most senior ranked practitioners of the International Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Federation outside of Japan and has had a very successful tournament career for many years, both as a competitor and a coach for many years, both in Chito-Ryu and in the WKF.

Here’s a short biography of German Sensei’s achievements in the dojo.

  • Practicing Chito Ryu karate for over 35 years
  • Chief Instructor Halifax Ryuseikan since 2005
  • 6th degree black belt and the rank of Renshi
  • Former WKF Canadian National Kumite Champion (-80 kg) and Canadian National Team member (1998-2001)
  • 6 time Chito-ryu Soke cup world champion: 3 time Kumite (1995, 2010, 2013), 1 time team kumite (2013), 1 time Henshuho competition (1995), 1 time kata (2013)
  • Current Soke Cup Champion
  • Kakedemeshi (Chito-ryu) kumite champion (2008)
  • Nova Scotia Karate Team (WKF) head coach 2001 – present
  • Canada National Team Coach (WKF) 2002-2008
  • 3 time Karate Canada Coach of the Year

As you can see, he’s lead quite an impressive karate career so far, so I’m sure that there will be lots to learn, so be sure to block away those dates, 10-16 September.

Tournament Results – Sunshine Coast (13 March 2016)

Congratulations to all competitors stepping up at our first tournament for the year.  There were a lot of great things to see at the tournament.

  • The new venue of Kuluin State School was great for setup and pack up being so close to the dojo, lots of space and a great facility.
  • The standard of competition is continuing to rise from both Sunshine Coast & Gold Coast dojos.
  • A large brown & black belt kata division, with lots very good performances.
  • Great sportsmanship from all competitors.
  • Lots of new referees & judges stepping up to get more experience
  • First aid by Renee Kessells was very professional always ready to help.  Although first was required a bit too much, it was thankfully only for minor injuries all around.
  • Very helpful volunteers, aside from those already mentioned – table officials, canteen/BBQ, setup & pack up, event marshals.
  • And of course great support with competitor entries from the Gold Coast dojo.

Here’s a full listing of tournament results from the weekend.

Special mention to the overall tournament champions, who were the top performers in individual kata & kumite.

Junior Tournament Champion – Savannah Perdikis

Senior Tournament Champion – Klaudia Caston

Also a special mention to Lachalan Edwards, who was also in the running for Junior tournament champion after winning his division for both kata and kumite.  Although there was only one prize to award, so it went to the most senior compeitor (Savannah).  Not bad for Lachlan’s first tournament!

Also a few photos to enjoy, that I’ve borrowed from facebook.  I’m sure there will be lots more very soon as I saw Jane very busy with her camera!


Junior Kumite Action



2016 Easter Picnic & Training Day

Our annual Easter picnic and family training day is soon approaching.

All members, families and guests are welcome to attend.  Training starts at 9am at Cotton Tree Park, followed for Easter fun & games in the park.  We’ve scheduled it in for the weekend before Easter, as a lot of families tend to go away for the long weekend, so there shouldn’t be any excuses.

We’ll see you in the park!  Unless it’s raining of course, then we’ll see you at the dojo.

And did we mention there’s a FREE sausage sizzle?

Please RSVP on the sign-up sheet on the dojo noticeboard, to help assist with catering.