Arriving at the Sohonbu

Well we made it! after a full day of travelling we are now settled in at the Sohonbu and ready to go. I was picked up from home by the airport shuttle bus on Saturday, I thought I was ready to go when the driver knocked on the door until James came out with my phone ‘ Umm.. mum, I think you will be wanting this!’

I met up with Sensei Sandra at the airport in Brisbane and we were on our way. The flight to Taipei was uneventful… what you would expect from the red eye! We arrived in Taipei early in the morning and had a couple of hours to pass before our next flight. After getting our bearings and finding the gate we would be leaving from (OMG.. we are leaving from the Hello Kitty Gate!) we went in search of some massage chairs. We found some in a lovely setting surrounded by plants and gardens… very relaxing. Then we wandered slowly back towards our gate taking in the sites. Eva Airways at Taipei airport have themed many of their gates, we had the Hello Kitty Gate, there was an e-library gate that had computers and gaming consoles and a place to charge my phone (very handy for the all important photo’s and facebook updates), a Traditional ceremonial Taiwanese gate, One with airplanes and hot air balloons.

So I may have mentioned the Hello Kitty theme on our boarding gate? I was thought that was pretty cool, and then I went down the corridor to where you actually board the plane and saw out the window…. We were flying on one of Eva Air’s Hello Kitty Planes! I cannot overstate my excitement at this! We hopped on the plane and were surrounded by Hello Kitty themed everything from ‘waste bags’ to headphones, headrest covers and even the food! After our initial excitement and flurry of photographing everything we settled down to another flight.

We arrived in Fukuoka just before lunchtime, after making it through customs Sandra showed off her Japanese skills and helped us get tickets for the right bus to Kumamoto and then a taxi from the bus transit centre in Kumamoto to the Sohonbu. When we arrived Soke Sensei was here to greet us and show us around and help us to get settled in. I also met Naoyuki Sensei and his wife Yuko. Everyone has been very welcoming and helpful so far. They are going to organise some bikes for us to ride which could be very amusing for Sensei Sandra as I fall off and crash into things all over town!

After we found our rooms and put our bags away we headed off for a walk to the local supermarket to get some supplies. When we got back we set up our internet, Thanks to Sensei Martin doing some research before we came we were able to organise to have a wifi hotspot modem sent to the sohonbu, we rent it for the two weeks we are here and then pop it back into a supplied postpack at the end of our stay. Very convenient and hassle free.

After a quick rest and catch up with the family I went to make some dinner, Considering I was very tired when I went shopping and had no real plan in mind and I hadn’t really looked closely at the kitchen facilities available I think I threw together an outstanding dinner! Now I’m going to have a shower and head to bed to prepare for our first training session at 6.30am.





2014 Japan Training Scholarship ‘Preparing to Go’

Well today is the day, I’m all (mostly) packed up and ready to go. Gi’s are in the bag, got my belt and some clothes and toiletries, anything else that fits is a bonus. I think I may have finally figured out how to post blogs (you can safely assume if you are reading this that I did figure it out). All in all it’s looking like a good day and a great start to my trip.

I am excited but I must say, also very nervous about two weeks training at the Sohonbu. There is nothing like training there in morning training amongst the seniors to really make me feel like a white belt again!

I am also a bit nervous about the language barrier. Sensei Sandra gave me a great folder full of useful information a few months ago, most of which is helpful Japanese but I must admit, I’ve been very slack about learning it, languages make my head swim. I have learned a few of the more important phrases though and I know in the dojo I will be ok. Thank goodness we live in an age of technology and translation apps!

I had better go now and finish packing my toothbrush and those last few things…. next update coming soon.



I’m all set, I have 500Yen… enough to get a coffee or some chocolate when I arrive at the airport!


Bags are almost packed

2014 QLD State Titles Results & Season Rankings

A huge thank to all officials, volunteers, competitors and supporters for making the 2014 QLD Chito-Ryu State Titles a great day. It’s wonderful to see the standard is continuing to improve across all division and the great attitude shown by all competitors.

Here are the results: 2014 QLD State Titles Results.

And a special mention to our tournament champions who were the top competitors in individual kata and kumite.

  • Junior Champion – Eugeny Lee representing Fluffy’s Bunnies (GC dojo)
  • Senior Champion – James O’Grady representing Llama United Party (SC dojo)

For this tournament, we also introduced a team challenge, with the winning team from the Gold Coast (Fluffy’s Bunnies).  Follow the link for full team point score and team listing of the winning team. – Team Challenge Results.

fluffy's bunnies

This tournament was also the third round of the 2014 QLD tournament circuit.  Being the state titles, double points were awarded for this tournament, with this in mind the rankings have changed a bit and there now a few more people in the running.  Top 3 rankings are currently:

  • Eugeny Lee (GC dojo) – 46 points
  • Luke Marriott (SC dojo) – 45 points
  • Sam Lenton (GC dojo) – 40 points

The full list of the 2014 QLD Season Rankings (after round 3).

The next tournament in the circuit is scheduled for Gold Coast, 3rd August.  The Gold Coast tournament was scheduled to be the final tournament for the year, but there may be one additional tournament added to later in the year as we start working toward forming the squad for the 2016 Soke Cup.

Finally, a few photos from our official photographer: Jane Graham.  These are just a few of the preliminary photos, she was very busy yesterday with 86GB of photos to go through and edit.  So it might be a few days before we get to see the whole collection.

A few preliminary photos that Jane has shared:

Jack Graham in action

James O'Grady- kata

David Strazzari - flying high

Helen O'Grady - kata

2014 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate State Title

This year our local association is hosting the 2014 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate State Titles. In addition, this tournament will also be incorporating the 2014 Sunshine Coast Friendship tournament. So whether you’re a seasoned competitor or even if you’ve never competed before, this is a great event for you.

With this in mind, we’d like to invite you to enter and start preparing as this is a great way to put your skills to the test. If you’ve never competed before don’t worry, there are divisions for all ages and levels. Where possible, you will only be competing against other people of similar ability to yourself.

Tournaments are a great way to grow your skills, especially if you embrace the experience and work hard in your training in the lead up to the event.

Entry forms are available now from the dojo or download the 2014 State Title entry form (PDF) here.

And the important details:

  • When: Sunday, 15th June 2014
  • Where: Sunshine Coast Grammar School
  • Entries: Available from the dojo
  • Entries Close: Friday, 30th May

For those who attended our first tournament of the year, we are had the pleasure of utilising the Sunshine Coast Grammar School sports stadium as our tournament venue, and we’re very happy to be back there again, as it’s such a great venue for a tournament.

Also, thanks to some funding from Cr Jason O’Pray (plus some of the association’s funds) we will be purchasing an additional tournament mat so that we now have 2 matted rings rather than just one, so we’ll be able to get through our kumite divisions a lot quicker.

See you at the tournament

Sunshine Coast Tournament Results & QLD Circuit Rankings

A big thank you to all who participated in our first major tournament of the year.  As always it was great to see new competitors stepping up for the first time and of course the regulars back in for more.  Tournaments can be a great way to focus your training and push your skills, but they can also be quite confronting too, so well done to all who participated.

Also a huge thank you to our tournament coordinator Jodie Marriott who did a lot of work in the lead up recruiting, preparing and training volunteers.  And of course thank you to all volunteers and officials who worked hard throughout the whole day.

Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament (30 Mar 2014) – Results

2014 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Circuit Season Rankings (Round 1)

And here are a few photos from the day.  More photos available on the Sunshine Coast Karate facebook page.

karate touranment - table officials

Table officials hard at work adding up the kata scores.

team kata spectators

Watching team kata – waiting for their turn

Kumite Luc & Bailey

Kumite action – Luc & Bailey (10-11 Yr Boys)


Karate tournament trophies

Van Topham – showing off his trophies


ICKFA (SC) meeting minutes 1st Feb 2014

We have started the new year with some great things happening in the committee.  We can look forward to some fantastic social events being organised by Cath Amos, our Social and Fundraising Events Co-ordinator.  We had our first committee meeting for the year last Saturday 1st Feb.  Here are the minutes of the meeting ICKFA(SC) Minutes for Meeting 01.02.14  Our next meeting is scheduled to be held on March 22nd at 9am at the dojo.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

ICKFA AGM Minutes15th December 2013

Hi everyone,  I hope we have all had a really wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.  Time is certainly traveling fast as we are about to start another great year at the dojo.  I have attached the minutes of our committee AGM ICKFA(SC) AGM Minutes 2013 held at the Christmas party last year. We welcome new executive, key role and general members to the committee this year and we are looking forward to co-ordinating exciting events and activities again.  The new committee members are outlined in the AGM minutes and will be introduced in the committee newsletter coming out shortly.  Have a safe and happy day and may all your dreams come true this year.  Cheers, Leona (committee secretary) 🙂

I.C.K.F.A Committee Meeting Minutes 12/10/13

Check out the minutes from our last committee meeting.  We are looking forward to our end of year Xmas Party and AGM and preparations are underway.   As we are coming to the end of year the opportunity for members to nominate for the committee executive positions will be open again and the key role positions will also be open again.  Watch out for the nomination forms and information on the notice board in the dojo.  The date of the Xmas Party/AGM is Sunday 15th December and the venue is at Cotton Tree Park.

Enjoy the rest of your week. ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 12.10.13