I.C.K.F.A (SC) Committee Meeting 16/02/13

Our last committee meeting minutes are now uploaded.  Check it out.  A huge !!Congratulations!! to Jodie Marriott, recipient of our first scholarship to train in Japan with Soke Sensei.  We introduced the scholarship late last year and it will continue each year. Remember all SCK members are welcome to attend the committee meetings.  Our next meeting is 16th March.  Have a great week everyone :)Leona

ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 16.02.13

I.C.K.F.A. (SC) Committee Meeting Minutes 12/01/13

Check out the minutes of our first committee meeting for this year.  We have some great things happening for the first half of the year:  An awesome raffle with three nights at Hamilton Island as a major prize; Japan scholarship applicants are progressing well; QLD Camp in April; SC Tournament in May; Soke Cup preparations are underway;  plans for electronic scoreboards for tournaments and loads, loads more.

Watch out for our newsletter coming out soon.  The next committee meeting is on Sat 16th Feb at 9:00am at the Dojo.  Everyone is welcome.

ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 12.01.13

I.C.K.F.A.(SC) 2012 AGM Minutes 9/12/12

Hi everyone, here are the minutes of our 2012 AGM.  We welcome new committee members and key role members this year. We still have positions open for Social Events Co-ordinator and Fundraising Co-ordinator.  If anyone is interested please come along to our next meeting Sat 16th Feb at 9:00am at the Dojo.  These roles are not major commitments, any help is welcome.

Watch out for a newsletter with the many exciting this happening this year.

ICKFA(SC) AGM Minutes 2012


Christmas Family Day, AGM & Call For Volunteers

Christmas is fast approaching and it’s time to celebrate what a great year we have had with all of our Karate friends and family. Once again your association will be holding our Family Fun Day in Cotton Tree Park. In association with the day, the association will also be holding it’s AGM, and all members and family are invited to attend.

There will be water training, games to play, annual award presentations, lunch and a visit from Santa. If you will be attending, please add your name to the list on the dojo noticeboard, as the club will be supplying a sausage sizzle for lunch, please RSVP by Mon 3rd Dec.

Where: Cotton Tree Park
Sunday 9th December 2012
Mon 3rd Dec (Add your name to the list on the dojo noticeboard)

  • 9am Training
  • 11am Games and AGM
  • 12pm Lunch
  • 1pm Annual Awards

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc will be held at the Christmas Family day. If you are interested in nominating for a position on the committee you can nominate in writing beforehand or just show up on the day. Descriptions of the duties of the management committee can be found in the Dojo.

For full details download the notice to members about the Christmas Family Day, AGM & committee job descriptions.

Seeking Raffle Prize Donations For Major Raffle

Due to the generous provision of a major prize from Hamilton Island Enterprises Limited organised by Rod Jones, your committee has elected to run a major raffle to be drawn early in 2013.

The value of the Hamilton Island prize is in excess of $2,500.00 and consists of the following –

  •  Prize for: 2 adults
  • Accommodation Type: 1 x Coral Sea View Room, Reef View Hotel
  • No. of Nights: Three (3) nights
  • Inclusions: 3-nights Accommodation at the Reef View Hotel
  • Daily Full A-la-Carte Breakfast
  • 9 holes Golf for Two Adults, including Buggy & Club hire and Golf Special Lunch – To the Value of 410.00
  • Spa Treatment for Couples at Spa Wumurdaylin, 2 hours at $255.00 per person
  • Dinner credit for one evening to the value of $150.00
  • Use of the scheduled ‘Island Shuttle’ service
  • Unlimited use of catamarans, paddle skis, windsurfers and snorkelling equipment
  • Dates: Travel dates To be Confirmed – Valid until 31.12.2013 (excludes Festive Season)

Rather than making it a one prize raffle, we are seeking further donations of goods and/or services, to add to the success of this raffle. The more prizes we have to add to this raffle the better it is for our members, so please give generously if you are able. If you are in business, this is also a fantastic opportunity to promote your business.

If you have a prize that you can donate or arrange to have donated, please let us know as soon as possible. Final preparations for the raffle will be discussed at the next committee meeting to be held at the dojo, Saturday 10th November.

Funds raised from the raffle will go towards bringing one or more special guest instructors from Japan to the Sunshine Coast dojo for all members to enjoy. Pleaes note, that any guest instructor asked to come to the Sunshine Coast would be in addition to the annual Australian visit by Soke Sensei, which is funded by the ICKFA National Association.

We would particularly like to thank Rod Jones and his sailing team mate, Glenn Bourke (CEO of Hamilton Enterprises), for their generosity in organising this marvellous prize. Their assistance is greatly appreciated in helping to enable your committee to assist all Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu members with further resources.

Thank you

Sunshine Coast Committee

Update 1 (2 Nov)

Thank you to Jon Doughty for donating a car detail valued at $175 to add to the prize pool.

Thank you to Sunshine Coast Karate for donating 3 x 3 month trial memberships and other bonus prizes, valued at a total of $5,418.

Thank you to Ebb Waterfront Restaurant for donating dining voucher to the value of $100.

Update 2 (5 Nov)

Thank you to John Strazzari for donating a lawn mowing voucher to the value of $100.

Friendship Tournament Results & Qld Circuit Rankings

Finally here are the full results from last weekend’s Sunshine Coast Friendship Tournament.  And being the 2nd last Queensland Chito-Ryu tournament for 2012 the season rankings are really going to be a race to the finish with only a few points separating the top 3 competitors.  It’s going to be really interesting to see who wins the $300 cash prize towards covering their personal expenses to compete at next year’s Soke Cup in Hong Kong (if they make the Australian team).

Anyway, let’s get to the results. Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Frienship Tournament (Aug 2012) Results (PDF).

This time around it was all Gold Coast Competitors who took out the tournament champion prizes in each of the 3 categories for best all round competitors.

  • Little Champion – Ray Winson
  • Junior – Cheyenne Ferguson
  • Senior – Darren Goodwin

Would love to see our Sunshine Coast Competitors going down to the Gold Coast next month return the favour 😉

Check out the season rankings – 2012 QLD Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Season Rankings – After Round 5 (PDF).

The current top 3 in the rankings are:

  • Raphael Borleis (Sunshine Coast) – 81 points
  • Ray Winson (Gold Coast) – 80 points
  • Jodie Marriott (Sunshine Coast) – 75 points

Looking forward to see how everyone performs next month on the Gold Coast.