Sunshine Coast Cup Entry Forms Now Available

The 2011 Sunshine Coast Cup is fast approaching and this year it’s going to be held at a new and much larger venue at Pacific Paradise State School, Sunday 29th May.  This will be the major Chito-Ryu Karate tournament to be held on the Sunshine Coast this year.  Entry forms are available now for download or from your dojo.

With momentum building on the Qld Chito-Ryu Karate tournament circuit and a prize of $400 for the season champion up for grabs, it’s still not too late in the season to start making your way up the rankings.  As our major tournament, this event will be worth double points so it’s great way to get a boost in the rankings.

And for those who are looking to compete for the first time, we encourage you to have a go and step out of your comfort zone.  It’s only when we step out of our comfort zone that we truly start to grow ourselves.  We have events for beginners and advanced members of all ages, so long as your a member you can enter.  The only thing holding you back is YOU!

Take the first step and download the entry form.

Easter Family Picnic & Training Day

Thank you everyone for making our annual Easter family picnic & training day a great day out at Cotton Tree park.  Fortunately weather held off just long enough for some karate training, some fun & games organised by some of the older kids, a free sausage sizzle put on by the club for members and guests plus the drawing of the Easter raffle!

Congratulations to the winners of the Easter raffle!  We hope you enjoyed the chocolate

1st prize – Blumfield Family
2nd prize – Jessica Strazzari
3rd prize – Merv Norton

Thank you to our committee and other volunteers for your efforts to make it a great day.  Here are a few photos and a short video to enjoy from the day.  More photos on the Sunshine Coast Karate facebook page.

2011 Qld Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Circuit – Round 2 Results (Gold Coast Cup)

A big congratulations to all Sunshine Coast competitors who attended round 2 of the Qld Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Circuit last weekend on the Gold Coast.  The Gold Coast Cup is one of the major tournamets of the year and double points are awarded towards the season champions and this shook up the rankings a bit.

As always it was great to see people stepping way out of their comfort zone and pushing the boundaries.  This is by far one of the most important aspects of competition.  While it’s always great to win and there was plenty of that going on with our Sunshine Coast members, having the courage to step up and have a go is always great to see.

Of course a huge thank you to Adam Sensei and the crew from Gold Coast Chito-Ryu Karate. It’s always a big undertaking to run a tournament of any size and it takes a lot of volunteers to make it work.  Also a big thank you to our Sunshine Coast members and parents who volunteered with refereeing and as table officials.  Great job!

So what you’ve been waiting for….

Results of the Gold Coast Cup – Sunday, 10th April 2011

2011 – QLD Tournament Circuit – Season Rankings after Round 2

A special mention to Senpai Helen O’Grady who was awarded senior tournament champion for the 2nd year running.  Also a special mention to our Sunshine Coast kumite team who once again were successful in keeping the home team from winning.

Round 3 of the QLD circuit will be the Sunshine Coast Cup, to be held Sunday, 29th May.  This is even will also be worth double points towards season rankings as it is one of hte major tournaments for the year.  Entry forms will be available soon.

Helen O'Grady

Braydon Whale

More photos available on the Gold Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Facebook Page.

Round 1 Tournament Results (2011)

Thank you to all of the competitors, volunteers and supports who attended the first round of our Queensland Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Circuit, held at the Sunshine Coast dojo last Saturday (5 March 2011).

For the first tournament of the year it was great to see a high standard emerging, espeically in the new Kumite Skills Triathlon events.

Results are now available for download: Round 1 tournament results – Sunshine Coast (5 Mar 2011)

This year, we have also decided to keep track of the top performers in the Qld tournament circuit with a point system.  All place getters in any of the events receive points towards the season rankings.  Already we are starting to see some stand out performers who have placed in every event that they have entered.  But as it’s still early on in the season you can still join the leader board.  Especially with the next 2 tournaments being double points as they are the major regional tournaments of the year for Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.

Find out who’s in the top 40 rankings so far after the first round of competition.  Season Points 2011 – After round 1

Next tournament will be the Gold Coast Cup, 10 April 2011.  Entry forms are now available at all Qld Chito-Ryu dojos.

Karate Kids @ Sunshine Coast Tournament

Adult Karate - Team KataKumite Skills

Qld Chito-Ryu Karate Tournament Circuit: Round 1 (Sunshine Coast)

This year our Qld Chito-Ryu Karate tournament circuit is bigger than ever, culminating with the national championships to be held on the Gold Coast later this year.  But to kick off the competition season we are proud to announce the first tournament for the year to be held Saturday 5th March 2011.  With the recent expansion of the maroochydore dojo, we now have adequate space to run the tournament in the dojo.

If you have never competed before this is the perfect opportunity now with new divisions and events for beginners of all ages.  And of course we also have divisions for our more seasoned competitors too.

Download you entry form here, or get a copy of the form at the dojo.

For our local members who are thinking of competiting, we will be running a few pre-tournament clinics to help educate new competitors in the rules of competition and give them a better idea of what to expect on the day of competition.  Pre tournament clinics will be run at Sunshine Coast Karate’s Maroochydore dojo on Friday 18th Feb & Friday 4th March.  For more information, please speak to instructors.

Individual Kata – Divisions are broken up by age and rank so you will be able to compete against other people your own level.  In this event, you will perform a kata (preset pattern of techniques) and you will be judged on a variety of criteria, including: form, technique and application.  In order to make it more comfortable for beginner competitors competing for the first time, they will have the opportunity to have a more senior member perform the kata beside them.  Depending upon the number of competitors in the divisions, the top competitors may need to perform up to 3 kata as they progress through the rounds.

Team Kata – Divisions are broken up by rank.  In this event, teams of 3 people perform a kata all together.  Performances are judged in much the same way as individual kata except performances are also judged on the level of sincronicity.

Bunkai Demonstration Event – In this event, teams of 2 people perform a series of self defence applications.  This is an event for more senior competitors, purple belt and above.  In this event, both competitors must take the role of both attacker and defender, performing approximately 5 self defence applications each.

Karate Triathlon – Kumite Skills – This is a new event we are introducing this year for beginners as en entry level event to help develop the skills and confidence to compete in kumite (sparring) down the track.  Last year we started to introduce a similar event for younger competitors but this event will be open to all ages with divisions broken up into various age categories and there will be a few adjustments to format of the event.  As the name suggests this will be a 3 part event, with: line drills, bag work & partner tag matches.  Unlike kumite, this is a non-contact event aimed to help competitors develop confidence and skills in a fun format.

Individual Kumite (Sparring) – Divisions are broken up by age and rank so you will be able to compete against other people your own level.  In this event, you will compete head to head against your opponents. Unlike many other styles of Karate, in Chito-Ryu we practice bogu kumite, which is a form of controlled contact sparring with protective body and head gear.  By utilising protective equipment, competitors can practice in a more realistic format encouraging competitors to test their skills and build a strong spirit while remaining safe and free from serious injury which is common in other competition formats.

If you’re interested here are a few kumite highlights for previous Chito-Ryu World Championships from some of our Aussie representatives.

2011 Qld Chito-Ryu Karate Camp

The ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) is proud to present the 2011 Queensland Chito-Ryu Karate Camp. All Chito-Ryu members and families are welcome to attend! This year’s camp will be held at the Maranatha Recreation Camp, Sunshine Coast. For more information about camp facilities, please visit their website:

This camp will bring together members from Sunshine Coast Karate and Gold Coast Chito-Ryu dojos and perhaps a few from interstate for a weekend jam packed of training, team building and social activities. If you are serious about your training, we encourage you not to miss out on this weekend.

We are hoping that the camp will coincide with Soke Sensei’s Australian visit. However at the time of preparing these form, we have not yet been able to confirm the dates of his visit. If all goes well, he’ll be there, and that’s something you definitely don’t want to miss.

The camp will be held Fri 18 – Sun 20 March 2011.  Registrations will close strictly 2 weeks prior, Friday 4th March 2011.  For more information about costing, please download the registration form.

And for a bit of a trip down memory lane, here are a few pictures from the 2008 Qld Camp, which was also held at Maranatha Camp in Yandina.

2008 Qld Camp - Training Lunch time

2008 Qld Camp - Group Photo

Want to see more photos? Check out our facebook page.

Family Social Event: Trivia Night

Late last year “the Emmas”, Emma Woodhouse & Emma Moehead approached the committee with a great idea of running a trivia night with a movie theme.  That’s right it’s an excuse for big kids to play dress ups.  So we thought it would be only fitting if they organised the event.  After answering various questions and developing a 6 page event management action plan (not bad for a pair of teenage girls in holiday time) the committee has approved the event, so here it is…

Everyone is welcome!!  Members, family and guests.

When:  Saturday 22nd January 2011
Where:  Bli Bli Public Hall, Willis Rd BLI BLI
Open:  6:00am   Start:  6:30pm     Finish:  10:00pm

BYO:  Food & Drink
Entry:  Gold Coin Donation


For more information about the Trivia Night, Downlaod this information flyer.

It’s coming up quite fast because we wanted to squeeze it in before the end of the school holidays.  The goal of this event is purely intended as a social event, not a fund raiser.  But there will be a gold coin entry fee, just to help cover the costs.  Register now on the dojo noticeboard, or drop by the association’s facebook page and leave a message with your team name and team members.

We look forward to seeing you there!!

2010 AGM – New Office Bearers & Financial Statements

Welcome to our new committee members voted in at our AGM held at Sunshine Coast Karate, Maroochydore Dojo, Sunday 12th December 2010.

President – Jon Doughty
Secretary – Wendy Boman
Treasurer – Debbie Woodhouse (understudied by Sally Guy)
Instructor Representative – Martin Phillips
Parent/Member Representatives – Helen O’Grady, Debbie Strazzari, John Strazzari, Monique Thurston, Tracy Kosbab, Margaret Kemp , Gary Saunders, Clare Flynn, Mervyn Norton, Greg Searle, Leona Ryan and John Boman.

The financial statements were presented by our treasurer Debbie Woodhouse at the AGM for the financial year ending 30 Jun 2010.  As the association’s turnover was in excess of $50,000 for the period, the books books have been audited.  Financial statements presented at 2010 AGM (1 Jul 2009 – 30 Jun 2010).

2010 Annual General Meeting

In accordance with the constitution the Annual General Meeting of the International Chito-Ryu Karate Federation of Australia (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc will be held as follows:

Date: Sunday 12 December 2010

Venue: Cotton Tree Park

Time: 11.00 am (following training and before Christmas Party)

At Annual General Meetings, each member over the age of 18 is entitled to one vote. A parent of a member under 18 may vote on the member’s behalf.

To commence an Annual General Meeting, the number of full voting members present must be double the number of members of the management committee, plus one (that is 11).

Meeting Agenda

  1. Attendance/Apologies

  2. Confirm the minutes of the AGM held on 13 December 2009.
  3. Receipt of:

    1. Chairperson Report

    2. Treasurer’s/Secretary’s Report

    3. Instructor’s Report

  4. Management Committee stand down

  5. Election of office bearers for 2010-11

    1. Chairperson

    2. Instructor Representative

    3. Secretary

    4. Treasurer

    5. General Members

  6. Receipt and review of annual financial statement.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would still like to vote, proxy voting forms are available from the dojo.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for a position on the management committee, nomination forms are available from the dojo.

Follow the link to download a copy of the current rules of the association [PDF].