Category Archives: Committee Meeting Minutes

ICKFA AGM Minutes15th December 2013

Hi everyone,  I hope we have all had a really wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year.  Time is certainly traveling fast as we are about to start another great year at the dojo.  I have attached the minutes of our committee AGM ICKFA(SC) AGM Minutes 2013 held at the Christmas party last year. We welcome new executive, key role and general members to the committee this year and we are looking forward to co-ordinating exciting events and activities again.  The new committee members are outlined in the AGM minutes and will be introduced in the committee newsletter coming out shortly.  Have a safe and happy day and may all your dreams come true this year.  Cheers, Leona (committee secretary) 🙂

I.C.K.F.A Committee Meeting Minutes 12/10/13

Check out the minutes from our last committee meeting.  We are looking forward to our end of year Xmas Party and AGM and preparations are underway.   As we are coming to the end of year the opportunity for members to nominate for the committee executive positions will be open again and the key role positions will also be open again.  Watch out for the nomination forms and information on the notice board in the dojo.  The date of the Xmas Party/AGM is Sunday 15th December and the venue is at Cotton Tree Park.

Enjoy the rest of your week. ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 12.10.13