Category Archives: Committee Meeting Minutes

I.C.K.F.A Committee Meeting Minutes 15.06.2013

Here are our minutes from the last committee meeting.  Please note there are two admendments referenced from the previous minutes.  Also note the changes of dates:

  • Committee meeting on the 29th June is cancelled
  • Next committee meeting is scheduled for the 27th July at 10am
  • Committee meeting 10th August is cancelled, new date TBC
  • SC Tournament 20th October is changed to 13th October

Have a great weekend everyone 🙂

ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 15.06.13

I.C.K.F.A (SC) Committee Meeting Minutes 16th March 2013

Here are the minutes of our last meeting.  Take a look there’s lots happening…..special guests, HUGE Garage Sale Fundraiser for Soke Cup members, SC tournament in May, electronic score boards, fight-a-thon and lots more.  Our next meeting is on Sat, April 13th at 9:00am at the dojo.  Everyone is welcome.  ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 16.03.13

I.C.K.F.A (SC) Committee Meeting 16/02/13

Our last committee meeting minutes are now uploaded.  Check it out.  A huge !!Congratulations!! to Jodie Marriott, recipient of our first scholarship to train in Japan with Soke Sensei.  We introduced the scholarship late last year and it will continue each year. Remember all SCK members are welcome to attend the committee meetings.  Our next meeting is 16th March.  Have a great week everyone :)Leona

ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 16.02.13

I.C.K.F.A. (SC) Committee Meeting Minutes 12/01/13

Check out the minutes of our first committee meeting for this year.  We have some great things happening for the first half of the year:  An awesome raffle with three nights at Hamilton Island as a major prize; Japan scholarship applicants are progressing well; QLD Camp in April; SC Tournament in May; Soke Cup preparations are underway;  plans for electronic scoreboards for tournaments and loads, loads more.

Watch out for our newsletter coming out soon.  The next committee meeting is on Sat 16th Feb at 9:00am at the Dojo.  Everyone is welcome.

ICKFA(SC) Monthly Minutes 12.01.13

I.C.K.F.A.(SC) 2012 AGM Minutes 9/12/12

Hi everyone, here are the minutes of our 2012 AGM.  We welcome new committee members and key role members this year. We still have positions open for Social Events Co-ordinator and Fundraising Co-ordinator.  If anyone is interested please come along to our next meeting Sat 16th Feb at 9:00am at the Dojo.  These roles are not major commitments, any help is welcome.

Watch out for a newsletter with the many exciting this happening this year.

ICKFA(SC) AGM Minutes 2012