This event is designed for Little Champions (children aged 4-7 years).  The purpose of the event is to help introduce young children to tournaments in an easy to follow format that allows them to follow along, whist they are still developing confidence to perform on their own.

For this event, there are 3 different routines.  Each of the routines is designed to be progressively become more challenging.  Within each of the routines there are 3 skills.

It is knock-out style of competition. Two competitors will perform at once following the count and example of a leader.  In each round there are 3 skills to perform. A point is awarded to the competitor who performs each skill the best. The competitor with the most points after all of the 3 skills are performed is the winner.  The winner will progress to the next round.


This routine is used in elimination rounds for Beginner Divisions (White Belt – Orange Stripe Belt).

  1. Description: Standing bow, seiza (correct sitting) & seated bow
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Rei, Seiza, Rei, Kiritsu
  2. Description: Basic stances on the spot
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Heisoku dachi, Musubi dachi, Heiko da chi, Soto hachi dachi, Uchi hachi dachi, Shiko dachi, (& repeat in reverse order), Naore
  3. Description: Basic punches on the spot (x10)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Uchi hachi dachi… yoi, Chudan zuki + kiai (10 counts), Naore

Here’s an example of how this routine would look in competition format, performed by older karate kids.


This routine is used in semi-final & final rounds for Beginner Divisions (WhiteBelt – Orange Stripe Belt) and used in elimination rounds for Advanced Divisions (Green Stripe Belt –Black Stripe Belt).

  1. Description: 10 hand techniques on the spot (twice) – Upper block (x2), Outside block (x2), Inside block (x2), Lower block (x2), Body punch (x2)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Uchi hachi dachi… yoi, Juu Te waza (10 counts, twice), Naore
  2. Description: 4 kick combination on the spot (twice) – Front kick (x2), Side kick (x2)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Uchi hachi dachi… yoi, Mae geri (2 counts, one each leg), Yoko geri (2 counts, one each leg), (& repeat both kicks again, 2 of each kick), Naore
  3. Description: Kumite combination – Jab & reverse punch (5 counts each side)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Kumite kamae (right leg back)… yoi, Gizami zuki gyaku zuki (combo, 2 steps forward, 2 steps back each count, 5 counts), Hantai (change legs) (5 more counts, other leg)

Here’s an example of how this routine would look in competition format, performed by older karate kids.


This routine is used in semi-final & final rounds for Advanced Divisions (Green Stripe Belt –Black Stripe Belt)

  1. Description: Block & punch on the spot (twice) – Upper block & punch (x2), Outside block & punch (x2), Inside block& punch (x2), Lower block & punch (x2)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Uchi hachi dachi… yoi, Jodan uke tsuki (x2), Soto uke tsuki (x2), Uchi uke tsuki (x2), Gedan barai tsuki (x2), (& repeat all again), Naore
  2. Description: Stepping & punching in seisan dachi (4 steps forwards, 4 steps back), Stepping & punching in shiko dachi (4 steps forwards, 4 steps back)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Uchi hachi dachi… yoi, Chudan oi zuki + kiai (4 counts forward, 4 counts back), Shiko zuki (4 counts forward, 4 counts back) + kiai, Naore
  3. Description: 4 kick combination, stepping forwards (x2)
    Commands for leaders: Ki o tsuke, Geri kamae (right leg back)… yoi, Mae geri, Yoko geri, Mawashi geri, Ushiro geri, Mawatte (turn around), (& repeat 4 kicks to the back), Mawatte, Naore

Here’s an example of how this routine would look in competition format, performed by older karate kids.

Here is a downloadable overview of the Little Champions Basics Skills – Tournament Event (PDF), including links to the videos.